
It is rare to be able to say that one has had the same doctor for more than thirteen years, even more unusual to confirm that the same doctor has always left one feeling so much better and so much more confident after each appointment. This is exactly what Dr. Virginia Hernly has done for me over so many years.  Her knowledge of kinesiology, chiropractic procedures, herbs, and medicines is astonishing.  In each facet she hits the right spot; no matter what the patient needs.  Not only has she been a wonderful boon to my own physical and mental well-being for a long time, but she continuously proves her enormous capacity to be a good and caring friend — a "Doctor of All Ways and Means.”

Gwendolyn Shire, February 6, 2019

Wow, I can't tell you how pleased I am with my last treatment! I have always suspected that I harbored toxins in my body. The test we did not only confirmed that, but because Dr. Virginia Hernly knew what to treat.  I've begun my clean up project, thank you.  What ever led you to begin exploring all the healing methods you have?  For this dedication to learning and exploring I am very grateful!!  Keep up the good work!

Dannelle Sirrine, November 29, 2018

"Dr. Virginia Hernly greeted me warmly, stood back and took one long look.  I was giving my best version of 'normal and okay',  "Whoa, having some issues, are we?" she asked. She went straight to work and for about one hour she scanned, muscle tested, moved my feet, neck, shoulders, arms, hips, and generally showed me that there is a whole lot more to chiropractic than I knew!  No alignments or adjustments - just some pushing, tapping and verbal instructions.  She recommended an MRI and for a followup to go over the results.  The next morning I got up with less pain and with more energy than I've had in months (maybe more)!  I'm left with exercises for leg strength and balance too."

Tor Krieger, November 27, 2018

"I have moved into visits for general wellness, and the NET (Neuro-Emotional Technique) continues to contribute to wellness.  Books suggested by Dr. Hernly have been helpful as well."

Diane Gillen, March 5, 2008

"I had begun to have hot flashes.  I was having them 2-3 times per day.  Dr. Hernly did a hormone balance and NET.  Three weeks later,  I was walking up the stairs for my next wellness visit and realized I hadn't had a hot flash since the last visit three weeks earlier!!  My back issues have been treated early and regularly, so I no longer have chronic back pain."

Judy MacLaren, September 26, 2007

"My goals for wellness care in Dr. Hernly's office were to stay symptom-free and at optimum health.   I noticed results right away.  I have noticed I have more energy, flexibility and clarity.  Without chiropractic and all the specialty work, my life would be a lot different and not as positive and productive."

Cindy Langley, June 5, 2007

"I had been in a car accident and had whiplash.   I found Dr. Hernly's ad in the Yellow Pages and was impressed with all of the 'tools' she had - NET, sports medicine, etc.  I had immediate relief and have noticed I have more energy, a more 'vibrant' feeling, and am able to go through the day without pain.  It's wonderful to work with a doctor who is committed to her patients and who constantly works to find new and different ways to health."

Jill Lighty, June 5, 2007

"Dr. Hernly is highly recommended by a former doctor of mine and her professional peer, Dr. Zaida Rivene.  Dr. Hernly is always improving her knowledge and puts the new knowledge to use in her practice to keep it vital and dynamic."

Brenda Bennett, May 23, 2007

"Dr. Hernly's treatments have altered my life, both physically and emotionally.   I noticed results after the very first treatment."

Denise Lascals, May 21, 2007

"I always feel better and more energized after a session with Dr. Hernly.  My family noticed that I'm not so tightly wrapped and don't go into "alarm mode" as quickly as I used to.  Plus, I feel better and better as I have such a wonderful support team helping me figure out life.   I am finding here the doctoring and friendship I've envisioned for years and only thought I'd find in an open-minded community.  People already thinking 'outside the box' and encompassing the spiritual as well as physical/mental makes me feel I'm on the right track at long last!!"

Jull Lutz, May 25, 2007

"I want it all (and little by little I know more and more at a gut level that I deserve it and can have it all). I have had some incredibly interesting insights into my past and understanding what my parents went through. The emotional release/subliminal reprogramming is the biggest thing for me."

Diane Fiorina, May 9, 2007

"I have been a patient of Dr. Hernly now for about ten to fifteen years.  My introduction to the doctors services were initially for ongoing pain and the interest for on-going wellness care.  I decided to seek an alternative route rather than to seek the conventional way of health care, one without medications, thus bringing me to Dr. Hernly.  In the beginning of care I saw a difference within the first three weeks of treatment and i subsequently kept feeling stronger and more alert.  Changes and improvements that i have noticed throughout the care I have received are that I am not susceptible to the common cold as I was in the past and my athletic abilities have increased, allowing me to perform much better.  In regards to my performance at work, I have less pain and I am able to work with much more ease.  As for future health and life goals I will continue my maintenance routine with Dr. Hernly.  By doing so, I believe living a healthier lifestyle, which would include having more energy, being stronger, and having more endurance can be attaindc more readily with a commitment to myself and my health!"


Severe Shoulder Dislocation and Whiplash Injury

ted_anstedt.jpg Mr. Anstedt was skiing in April of 1998 when a tree jumped out in front of him and hit the left side of his body. He dislocated his left shoulder and had injuries to his head and neck.

He immediately began Applied Kinesiology chiropractic care when he got home. He saw two orthopedists, who recommended surgery. The idea of invasive surgery was inconsistent with my previous experience of healing sports injuries through a regime of various physical therapies, chiropractic techniques and healing herbs and supplements.

"I am sure that I would never have received the positive opinion from the third orthopedic surgeon, nor would I have made the tremendous progress that I have made, if the techniques and many innovative therapies that you applied had not allowed me to recover from the serious trauma so rapidly and without the major surgery that was originally prescribed.

I want to thank you and your staff again for your expertise, your diligence, and effectiveness in helping me to regain the use of my arm and shoulder. My recovery is moving along so well that I plan to start skiing again next season - however, I plan to stay away from the trees!"

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205 E. 3rd Ave. Suite #406 | San Mateo, CA 94401

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9:30 AM-6:15 PM


Montara | By Appointment Only


9:30 AM-6:15 PM


9:00 AM-5:15 PM



9:00 AM-5:15 PM




